Here we go again kiddos. The trade is back on! If you haven’t followed this saga of, will they or won’t they, first of all, congrats. Second of all, this trade is a big win for the NWSL Players Association. I think we are beginning to see the league move towards a “Players League,” (when Players reign supreme) and I love it!
The trade itself is a whole lot of meh. I don’t get it. It’s true you can’t really decide if a trade is good or not when all the details have not come out yet. But let’s just be honest, Washington was basically forced at gunpoint from Kelley to accept her on the team. “I’m playing on your team and that’s final!” I don’t truly believe that Washington was chomping at the bit to trade for Kelley.
Reports say Utah wanted Teagan McGrady and/or Ashley Hatch, and Richie Burke was like “yeah fucking right.” Luckily for that one forward, she wasn’t traded and instead got an anthem standing buddy, so there is the win-win for her. I’m actually really interested to see where Richie Burke slots O’Hara on the bench, at the end, towards the front?
NO! I’m kidding of course. All jokes aside I really do wish Washington well. Say what you want about Kelley, she’s a damn good player that goes pedal to the floor all the time. Here is hoping that this isn’t another unconfirmed report, where I’ll have to write another blog. Y’all know I suck at this.