USWNT Camp October 2020, Who Should’ve Made It? Am I Gonna Have To March Down To USSF HQ?

You had to have seen it coming. The rest of the world didn’t shit the bed on the Rona, so their INT soccer teams get to actually play games and go out to bars without getting their team banned from a bubble. But the good ole USA is still trying to play catch up, and said “fuck it, let’s have some sports.”

Our Lady Warriors of the USWNT are going into camp in Colorado and I don’t hate it. I see a lot of people on the tweety talking about how its a bad idea, but will be on the Twitch Chat getting banned talking shit about Carli or someone. The fact of the matter is, they’re gonna be safely in a semi-bubble and if it’s gonna end up in the shaping of “The Next 23” then I’m all for it.

Here is how this blog is gonna go. I’m gonna break it down in 3 sections; Who I’m Happy To See, Who Got Left Off, and Who Is A Questionable Choice. I should note our young GOATs overseas will not be apart of this camp.

People You Love To See On This List

The fact is, I love to see all the young ballers get their chance in this camp. We love to see Balcer, Sanchez, Smith and future goats Macario, Howell, Girma and Fishel. I can’t even imagine the pure joy on Balcer’s face when she got the call. Possibly the greatest story ever told in WoSo? Balcer’s journey from NAIA Legend to the United States Women National Team and probably a spot on the Olympics Roster puts her in the same vein of other NAIA legends like Walter Payton, Scottie Pippen, and Jim Thorpe.

I also want to note the addition of Sarah “Air” Gorden. A fucking warrior on and off the field. The perfect mix of a swiss army knife and a goddam nuke on the field. Combined that with fucking great instincts for the game and I’ll be damned if she’s left off the Olympic roster. Also, she brings some Grade A swag that the team needed.

And of course that Dash Midfield duo of Mewis and Groom is a fucking pleasure to see. Two players that had been kinda pushed out of the NT and they worked their asses off and 1 million percent are deserving of being in this camp.

Vlatko, Your Getting Put On Notice For Leaving These Players Off

We are now 1 month down from my possible protest at USSF HQ. This didn’t help. Sam Staab is my number 1 on the list of players that 100% needed to be on this list. The future is now and leaving Staab off that list is a fucking tragedy. Vlatko best get his shit together or, come good weather in April, best believe you can catch me outside. Other players I’m furious aren’t on this list include;

Katie Naughton, Britt Eckerstrom, Kate Del Fava, Morgan Weaver, Allie Long, and Sarah Woldmoe.

Honorable Mentions: Marissa Viggiano, Emily Fox, Paige Nielsen, Meg Klingenburg, Amanda West, Brianna Pinto.

Here’s the list of players opting out, and I’m not 100% there isn’t a bun in Ertz’s oven,

The LBH These Players Gotta Go

I mean there is 2 players I think we call ALL agree have pushed their luck with this call-up. I’m not gonna name names. I won’t mention how they play on the same team and happened to be married, and let’s just be honest, they are bumping up the average age of this camp. That’s not what I’m going to be doing.

What I will say is that we need to start looking to the future. The rest of the world is gaining ground on the US, and if we don’t begin to groom our future goats we ain’t gonna be around much longer. I also wouldn’t hate it if we could maybe throw players in their original positions, i.e. keep Midge Purce as a forward. Thank you.